Monday, 11 April 2011

The Genius Called YOU

                                                       SERIES 4
Again, there are several others who may not be the ones acting the film yet are very good in writing the script; they may not be the ones in the spotlight performing the show yet are incomparable to none behind the camera. I believe a star is a star whether it’s the brighter one that’s very obvious for even a child to see or the ones that requires a little more careful look to notice. Another beautiful thing is, we all have the opportunity to refine our shine; so interestingly, there’s no reason to remain at the back; you remember Daniel in the bible don’t you? He started by interpreting dreams but how did he end up? He became a dreamer himself.

One other interesting thing is, is that many good gifts have been destructively criticised thus making the owners feel a sense of vacuum thinking there’s nothing spectacular about them; some are now forced to think if the one thing they thought was spectacular about them is nothing, they may just be nothings too. Oh! How un-fair! For instance, someone is a very good talker, instead of encouraging him/her to pick up a course that requires lots of talking like show presentation, law, public speaking, he/she may be branded noise maker. Why oh why? I have good news for those who have been and are in situations like this; others don’t have to like you for you to be the success God made you to be. I believe it’s just a matter of perspective. Something good could be negatively christened if viewed from such a perspective, after all Jesus was never supported by most of those present in His days. The very things that were nice in His eyes were an abomination before them. What a contrast; what an interesting contrast.

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