Monday, 11 April 2011

The Genius Called YOU

                                                                     SERIES 3

OVO PARADISE: No other person in this world is a perfect replacement of you no matter how gifted, good looking, popular, wealthy, happy etc he or she may appear to be. You’re the only one with your spiritual composition on the planet and ever will be; even if there’s anyone who looks like you, you’re just identical not the same; there are things you could do with such dexterity that he/she may have to try hard about. Unique is one word that describes you meaning you’re a never-before-seen personality; You are the best getting better; I haven’t yet found anyone who can think exactly like you in all seasons for all issues; your name was given to you to be registered on this planet. To be sung on the lips of men. To cause a rejoicing in heaven like has never been. You’re a product of Eternity, so also you are to produce value of eternal significance; you’re the right man/woman for the job; yes, I mean you; remember, your success is a boost for others to succeed, so go ahead and hit the peak. You can.Yes you can.


OVO PARADISE: Hope you’re not one of those who think they don’t have a talent so they are going nowhere in life? There’s one thing I’ve discovered my friend, the ability anyone has to realise he/she has no talent is in itself a talent; you want to know the name of this precious talent, it’s called insight, another name for it is word of knowledge. i.e you can tell when something is missing, absent or gone wrong; what a great talent; you see, you actually have a talent. If this is true, don’t you think this ability can be developed to something bigger, such that you’re not just able to tell when something is missing, you can actually tell how to find it? Yes it can. However to progress to this bigger level, you have to first acknowledge that the first stage is useful because, change is born out of responsibility; 
find out more in the next series; will you?

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